Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pre-Assessment and Innovative Differentiation Strategies

A Comprehensive Report Considering Differentiation Strategies for Pre-Assessment Activities

In the beginning of a lesson that is based on an objective underpinned by a standard a teacher needs to prepare, monitor, and assess the breadth of understanding by the students. Each student has a different academic readiness, depth of understanding and aptitude for knowledge. The job of the teacher is to closely monitor each students progress slowly so as to catch misconceptions quickly and be prepared to allocate activities accordingly.

As the classroom innovator, the teacher must constantly think and create strategies to help students with limited knowledge develop understanding of the topic. They also must think of innovative ways to capture and maintain the attention of the highest achievers so as not to loose them in the process of raising the lower students to their level.

Below is a mind-map of innovative differentiated strategies for three groups of students in an art class for grade 5. The objective is to learn how to use all art materials and tools pertaining to charcoal drawing with technical skill and precision. The lesson is based on flashcards for a pre-assessment. The flashcards help students work together to build-up vocabulary and enrich their understanding of charcoal drawing elements.

Below is the link to the QUIZLET created for the flashcards. These can be used in partners, groups or teams as gaming strategies, pictionary game on board activity, and other meaningful thinking activities that help prepare students for formative and summative assessments, as well as help the teacher identify students who are struggling from the beginning.




Donges, Catherine. 2018. Retrieved from: http://education.seattlepi.com/advantages-authentic-assessment-over-standardized-testing-2893.html

Pendergrass, Emily. Getting Students to Mastery. December 2013/January 2014 | Volume 71 | Number 4 
Retrieved from: http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational_leadership/dec13/vol71/num04/Differentiation@_It_Starts_with_Pre-Assessment.aspx

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